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19 mei 2023 - Aankondiging van een opdracht

Experts in business export coaching and gender for a CBI project in the dried pineapple sector in Benin

Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)
Inschrijven op deze aanbesteding is niet meer mogelijk
Lot 1: Sector expert for business export coaching of SMEs in the dried pineapple sector in Benin targeting the EU market. This expert will coach and train a group of around 5-8 SMEs, focusing on quality, certification, financial management, labour conditions and market linkages. The expert will moreover bring the SMEs together to discuss modalities of cooperation and develop action plans in order to conduct joint export shipments, as most of the companies are too small to export individually. Lot 2: Gender expert for coaching on decent work development in the dried pineapple sector in Benin. The expert will drive the work on gender within this project. The expert will assess the needs and priorities of the female workers and work together with the SMEs to design approaches to address those. The expert will provide coaching and training aimed at empowering the women workers and ensuring they advocate for their needs.


Juridisch kader
Aanbestedingswet 2012
Type opdracht
Hoofdopdracht (CPV-code)
79410000-1 Advies inzake bedrijfsvoering en management
Bijkomende opdracht(-en) (CPV-code)
75211200-0 Diensten in verband met economische hulp aan het buitenland
98200000-5 Advies op het gebied van gelijke kansen
Plaats van uitvoering (NUTS-code)
Agglomeratie 's-Gravenhage (NL332)
PB/S nummer
2023/S 097-302194
Europees of nationaal


Aanvang opdracht
Voltooiing opdracht
29 jun. 2023, 13:00

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