20 jul. 2023 - Kennisgeving van aanvullende informatie, informatie over een onvolledige procedure of rectificatie
Geophysical survey at the offshore Doordewind Wind Farm Zone
Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)
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Geophysical survey at the offshore Doordewind Farm Zone.
The objective of this tender is to conclude contracts with one or more tenderers who are able to carry out geophysical investigations at the offshore ‘Doordewind Wind Farm Zone’. This European tender consists of 3 different lots, divided on the basis of scope and data type.
The tender is divided in the following lots: 1. Seabed survey; 2. 2D-UHRS survey; 3. 3D-UHRS survey.
The deliverables of these investigations are part of the site characterisation of the Doordewind Wind Farm Zone and will be published for use by the participants in the permit tenders.